Where I Went: Seville and Madrid (Spain Edition!)

We’re closing in on five months since I went to Spain, it feels super weird writing this now. It feels like absolutely no time and also like a lifetime has passed. We went to Spain right before covid started getting bad here, and at the time there was no way I was going to cancel the trip, but looking back now it’s wild to think we got on a plane to one of the hardest hit countries (at the time, lol), spent an hour and a half on the nyc subway system getting home, and made it back without any of us having been exposed, apparently.

I’d say it was stupid of us to have gone, but we really didn’t know enough at the time to have been concerned enough to cancel, and to be honest I am so, so glad we went. If there was one last normal thing I could do before we were all hunkered down indefinitely, this was it.

It’s certainly a privilege to say this feels like the longest I’ve gone without traveling in about ten years. If that’s not quite true, it certainly will be by the time I travel next. I have no reason to get on a plane anytime soon, and I won’t, so lusting over photos from trips passed is all I can do.

So here it is! Photos of mostly Seville, and a couple days in Madrid. I might add suggestions for food later if I can remember the name of even one place that we went.

*weird mix of fuji, pentax 35mm, and iphone in here