I Moved Apartments + Here's What It Looks Liked

I moved back in August. Don’t worry, this was not brave or adventurous or a disaster or any of that. I put my one room’s worth of stuff in a truck and moved it exactly one block away on the same street and moved it into a place where there’s now room for two room’s worth of stuff.

What this post is for is to post all the pictures I took of the place one day in September while I was moping around not able to safely do anything fun because there’s a pandemic. I fancy myself something like an assistant to an amateur interior designer so there’s things I’ve already changed in here (those pillows on the couch are no longer) and things I want to change even more (there needs to be more color in here) and maybe I’ll post an update some day.

Drum roll please, here she is, all 500 square feet of her:

Bet you’re wondering where I got all this stuff?


Other Stuff pictured:

Coffee Table - Inside Weather

Bench - Ikea

Basket - Ikea

Wall hooks: H&M

Duvet Cover: Parachute